You are about to register into the TSUKI Project. Make sure you've got ready:
You (the User) are about to register to the TSUKI project and its experiment. This consists of:
Sorry, but we have to ask for legal purposes. What is your age?
Unfortunately, we cannot process souls of those under 16 for legal reasons.
You told us before you were under 16. Do not lie to us.
As you are underage, you will not be admitted to the boards and Discord. Please keep this in mind when attempting to join.
To be able to receive your EID, you need to enter an e-mail so we may send you a message once your registration has been processed.
To locate your soul, we need you to draw an image. The image must be a photo of paper, with on it:
You may now take a picture (NOT A SCAN) of your image, and upload it to our servers.
You currently need to be invited to register. Please enter your invite code below: